Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth 大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。
The US economy depends on Middle Eastern oil. 美国经济依赖于中东地区的石油。
He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict 他正在探询中东国家的政府要如何解决这次冲突。
Egypt is widely regarded as the main political and cultural centre of the Arab and Middle Eastern regions. 埃及被誉为阿拉伯世界和中东地区的主要政治文化中心。
In several Middle Eastern countries, I've found the same kind of bread, the same shape. 在一些中东国家,我发现了同样种类的面包,同样的形状。
The first ports of call are likely to be large Singapore investment funds and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds. 首先要找的对象可能是新加坡的大型投资基金和中东的一些主权财富基金。
Double-byte characters are used in East Asian and Middle Eastern languages. 双字节字符被用来表示东亚及中东的语言。
Three are Middle Eastern ones – the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. 其中三个是中东国家&阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特和沙特阿拉伯。
Turkey is an ally of the US and Europe, it always had only limited economic relationship with middle eastern countries, no military cooperation exists between Turkey and any Arabic countries or Iran. 土耳其是美国和欧洲的盟友,它与中东国家的经济关系始终是有限的,土耳其和任何阿拉伯国家以及伊朗之间不存在军事合作。
The Middle Eastern countries produce most of the world's oil. 全球大部分的石油是中东国家生产的。
To put it in Middle Eastern terms, sir, this new platform has connected Detroit and Damascus and Dara'a. 先生,当这种新的平台应用在中东地区的时候,它使底特律、大马士革和娜拉联系在了一起。
Our goal should be in10 years we are free of Middle Eastern oil. 我们的目标是在10年里,我们可以摆脱对中东石油的依赖。
Road traffic injury death rates are highest in the low-and middle-income countries of the African and Middle Eastern regions. 非洲和中东地区的低收入和中等收入国家发生的道路交通伤害死亡率最高。
You won't find a lot of fat like butter and lard in Middle Eastern cooking or food preparation. 在中东菜肴的烹饪和原料准备过程中,你不会看到像黄油和猪油等含有大量脂肪的食物。
StanChart said it sold the commercial paper to Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds and European pension funds. 渣打银行称,这种商业票据销售给了中东主权财富基金和欧洲养老基金。
Yes, some Middle Eastern recipes are similar to Greek recipes. 是的,一些中东烹饪法和希腊烹饪法有许多相似之处。
It is foolhardy to depend on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies. 完全依赖中东国家为我们提供石油是愚蠢的。
He expected to sign a similar deal with another middle eastern country soon. 他预计很快还会和另一个中东国家签署一项类似协议。
That would also allow the political partnerships between Middle Eastern oil producers and Asian consuming countries to be strengthened. 这也将使中东石油生产国和亚洲消耗国之间的政治伙伴关系得到加强。
Its Assyrian collections formed the basis for the understanding of cuneiform ( an ancient Middle Eastern script). 它的亚述集合构成了对楔形文字理解的基础上。
The energy market has met an old foe: a war in an oil-rich Middle Eastern country. 能源市场遭遇了一个夙敌:中东富油国家的战争。
Middle eastern cuisine is also popular due to the very large Mexican-Lebanese population living in the country. 中东菜也很受欢迎,由于非常大的墨西哥,黎巴嫩人民生活在该国。
Imports from the Middle Eastern countries of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait also appear to count for a large proportion of the EU's resource requirements. 从沙特阿拉伯和科威特等中东国家进口也似乎占了欧盟资源需求中的很大比例。
Oil is the vital lifeline of the national economy in many Middle Eastern countries. 石油是许多中东国家国民经济的主要命脉。
We tell you that the group movements in North Africa and the Middle Eastern governments are part of this'wind of change '. 我们告诉你们,在北非和中东的政府大规模变革就是此“改革春风”中的局部投影。
But the crisis may have jump-started Middle Eastern diplomacy. 但是这个危机可能启动了中东外交。
Explores the domestic, regional, and international dynamics that make Lebanon a challenge to its Middle Eastern neighbors. 探索使黎巴嫩成为与中东地区邻国的威胁的国内,区域性,国际动态。
But Middle Eastern countries are not the only ones seeking greater access to BlackBerry information. 但是并不只是中东国家企图对黑莓手机信息进行进一步监管。